Elelectronic Reader Message Board Specialist

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Electronic Reader Board Quote Request Form

Please provide the following information so we may contact you.
An * indicates a required field.
First Name *
Last Name *
E-Mail *
CCompany Name *
Phone ( -   Ext. *
Fax ( -   
Address 1 *
Address 2
City *
State, Zip/Postal Code *
Country *



Thank you for choosing ImagePro Signs, LLC! Once this form is completed and submitted, detailed information will be sent to the email address you provided.

If you are unable or cannot complete this form, please call and we will help! 1-888-562-4346 or 1-770 443-3333.

Estimated Message Board Size?
One or Two Sides? One      Two
New Sign or Attach to Existing Sign? New     Existing
Mounting Method?
Approximate Height?
LED Color(s)?
Will You Need A Quote On Additional
Signage To Compliment Message Board?
Yes     No
Estimated Sign Size?
How familiar are you with LED technology?

Have been researching for some time now
Have seen/read about it
No knowledge - would like to learn about it

Which description best fits your business?
(Please select from list below.)


Have you contacted other LED manufacturers?

Yes - please identify

How soon would you like to make a purchase?

3 weeks or less
1 - 3 months
4 - 8 months
9+ months
Just gathering information

How do you plan to use this sign?

Other, please explain

Do you make the final purchasing decision?

If No, who does?


What is your budget for this sign project?

Less than $5,000
$5,000 - $9,999
$10,000 - $29,999
$30,000 - $49,999
Greater than $50,000

Indoor or Outdoor Project


There are several ways to get information to an LED sign.
Have you considered how you want to send your messages?

Please check the selections below that apply.

Ethernet: a computer network cabling system
Wireless: over-the-air transmissions of data
Hardwire: from computer through cable (RS232 or
         RS485) to LED sign
Modem: telephone modem to LED sign

Utilizing an LED sign will greatly reduce advertising costs. What are your current monthly expenses for advertising?

$0 - $249
$250 - $499
$500 - $999
$1,000 - $2,499

Which method(s) of advertising do you currently use?
Yellow Pages
Web Banner


Have you investigated your local sign ordinances?


If yes please comment


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